Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wharrow Herald
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This site is not sanctioned by, or an official instrument of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Inc., nor is it sanctioned by, or an official instrument of any office or subgroups of the SCA and as such does not delinate policy or regulations for the above. This site exists to provide information and to educate.

Welcome to the Kingdom of the Outlands Roll of Arms!

The office of Wharrow Herald is currently held by Meistr Llywus ap Alan. This office performs updates as new devices are registered at Laurel or as omissions/corrections are brought to Wharrow's attention. If you are interested in assisting in this endeavor, or if you know of a citizen of the Outlands whose registered device is not listed or is incorrectly listed, you can contact Wharrow at wharrow 'at' outlandsheralds 'dot' org.

Some images contained on these pages are the work of the following artists, as well as the various original submissions in use on the Roll of Arms:

There is no claim that any information maintained here is accurate or official. This site is not sanctioned by, or an official instrument of the SCA, Inc., nor is it sanctioned by, or an official instrument of any sub-groups of the SCA and as such does not delineate policy or regulations for the above. This site exists to provide information and to educate.