Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wharrow Herald
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Names beginning with O:

Octavien Porteeur de Busches

Odde ap Tam

Odile Balestra

Odin Viligísl

Odo Schwinghammer

Oengus mac Conchobhair

Óengus Minogue

Óengus ua Faeláin

Olaf Bjornson

Oleg Schwinghammer

Olek Juste

Olifer Einarsson

Oliver Mordrake

Olivia Solís de Luján

Ölüsküleng Ötege

Omar ibn Haroun al-Askari al-Rumi

Omar Mohammud Mirzazadeh

Ona Eriukas Gelezinis

Ophelia Mulryan

Oppia Vopisca

Ordög Magyar Béla

Órfhlaith ní Dhubháin

Orin of the Argent Lions of Mightrinwood

Ormr Bogsveigir

Ormrún Hrafnsdóttirr

Oscar Einhard

Otagiri Tatsuzo

Ótama drengjamóðir

Ottarr Hallbjarnarson

Otto of Côte du Ciel

Otto Schwarz Herz

Otto the Obscure

Otto von Aken

Otto von Bern

Oudon av Hálogaland

Ozymandias the Superfluous