Outlands College of Heralds - Office of the Wharrow Herald
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Jacob Fauvell
Jacobus Locard
Jacqueline de Champagne
Jacques Lambert
Jacques of Pickering
Jago Redbeard
Jakob Narr
Jakob van Groningen
James Arthursson
James David of Argentias
James Dubh MacPhearson
James Eldon of York
James Forester
James Greyhelm
James Harper
James Inn Danski
James Maccorquodill
James Morrison the Harper
James Muirhead of the Outlands
James of Dungannon
James of Plattefordham
James Qui Connait
James the Small
Jameson MacTyre
Jamie Blackoak
Jamila al-Zuhayriyya
Jan van Hees
Jane Nora Carrik
Janez Perc
Jantien van Vranckenvoert
Jared of Midewinde
Jarek of Wolin
Jasper Ó Talcharáin
Jasper Sleecht
Javier de los Santos
Jayne Barber
Jazlynne Marie Fairday
Jeanne Claire Desrosiers
Jeanne d'Aussay
Jeanne Dyfrgi
Jeanne Tenneur de Bec
Jeanne-Marie Dubois
Jehan Mór
Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery
Jehannete la Picarde
Jehennette van Mynden
Jenna al-Ghazaliyyah
Jenne McGill
Jerilyn of Vert Silva
Jerimia von Braun
Jessica the Steadfast
Jethro Stille
Jiliana Emlin
Jocelyn de Honicombe
Jochen von Balduinseck
Joella of Blue Lion's Keep
Johan Blau
Johann Dietbold des Drachenschwerts
Johann Ludwig von Coburg
Johann of the Northern Moors
Johann von Balduinseck
Johann von Hohen Staffen
Johann Winter
Johanna bat Ephraim ben Rialah
Johanna Morganstern
Johannes Linkehant
Johannes Rodenwerper
John Angus Swinford
John Bowyer
John Ironstone
John of Blackwood
John of Ravenspur
John Roslyn the Ox
John the Animal of Glencoe
John Wolf
John Wryght
Jokull Blæingr
Jon Blackwell
Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne
Jörgen Jörgenson
Jörundr inn magri
Jorundr inn magri
Jorundr Sylfuson
Jorunn nic Lochlainn
Jose Taberna de Torquemada
Josefina de Luna
Josep Mülich
Joseph Cameron Blackswan
Joseph Grimm
Josette Claudin Duran
Joshua Dennesson
Jourdain Belebouche
Juan Balthazar Tegero
Juan More del Leon
Juan Osorio de Segovia
Juana de Granada
Judith de Beaumont
Judith de Northumbria
Judith of Acre
Julia Alexandria
Julia of the Forest, known as The Childless
Julian of Aldeford
Juliana de Vitri
Juliana Mele
Julianna of Dunbar
Julianne Journé
Julien de la Fontaine
Juliote the Silversmith
Jürgen Peredur
Justin de Leon
Justinian de Quéry
Justinian the Gentle

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Outlands College of Heralds
Outlands College of Scribes
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Names beginning with J:

Jacob Fauvell

Jacobus Locard

Jacqueline de Champagne

Jacques Lambert

Jacques of Pickering

Jago Redbeard

Jakob Narr

Jakob van Groningen

James Arthursson

James David of Argentias

James Dubh MacPhearson

James Eldon of York

James Forester

James Greyhelm

James Harper

James Maccorquodill

James Morrison the Harper

James Muirhead of the Outlands

James of Dungannon

James of Plattefordham

James Qui Connait

James the Small

Jameson MacTyre

Jamie Blackoak

Jamila al-Zuhayriyya

Jan van Hees

Jane Nora Carrik

Janez Perc

Jantien van Vranckenvoert

Jared of Midewinde

Jarek of Wolin

Jasper Ó Talcharáin

Jasper Sleecht

Javier de los Santos

Jayne Barber

Jazlynne Marie Fairday

Jeanne Claire Desrosiers

Jeanne d'Aussay

Jeanne Dyfrgi

Jeanne Tenneur de Bec

Jeanne-Marie Dubois

Jehan Mór

Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery

Jehannete la Picarde

Jehennette van Mynden

Jenna al-Ghazaliyyah

Jenne McGill

Jerilyn of Vert Silva

Jerimia von Braun

Jessica the Steadfast

Jethro Stille

Jiliana Emlin

Jocelyn de Honicombe

Jochen von Balduinseck

Joella of Blue Lion's Keep

Johan Blau

Johann Dietbold des Drachenschwerts

Johann Ludwig von Coburg

Johann of the Northern Moors

Johann von Balduinseck

Johann von Hohen Staffen

Johann Winter

Johanna bat Ephraim ben Rialah

Johanna Morganstern

Johannes Linkehant

Johannes Rodenwerper

John Angus Swinford

John Bowyer

John Ironstone

John of Blackwood

John of Ravenspur

John Roslyn the Ox

John the Animal of Glencoe

John Wolf

John Wryght

Jokull Blæingr

Jon Blackwell

Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne

Jörgen Jörgenson

Jorundr inn magri

Jorundr Sylfuson

Jorunn nic Lochlainn

Jose Taberna de Torquemada

Josefina de Luna

Joseph Cameron Blackswan

Joseph Grimm

Josette Claudin Duran

Joshua Dennesson

Jourdain Belebouche

Juan Balthazar Tegero

Juan More del Leon

Juan Osorio de Segovia

Juana de Granada

Judith de Beaumont

Judith de Northumbria

Judith of Acre

Julia Alexandria

Julia of the Forest, known as The Childless

Julian of Aldeford

Juliana de Vitri

Juliana Mele

Julianna of Dunbar

Julianne Journé

Julien de la Fontaine

Juliote the Silversmith

Jürgen Peredur

Justin de Leon

Justinian de Quéry

Justinian the Gentle